Embark on an adventure through the enchanting landscapes of Southern Finland's archipelago and taiga forests with us! Our vibrant tours not only delve into the breathtaking nature but also immerse you in the rich history and vibrant culture of Finland. Join us for an unforgettable journey where every moment is filled with discovery and excitement!
Accessible Guided Cruise for Groups: "The Past and Present of Helsinki Region Archipelago" (5,5h)
Take a cruise through the historical steamship route and find out, why people of Helsinki have throughout the times loved their charming archipelago. You will also be able to visit a unique, old...Border to Border - Porkkala Lease Period 1944 - 1956 (4 h)
Let's travel in time to explore a special era in the Helsinki region - The Porkkala Lease Period.From€352.00
Guided Bustour: Kirkkonummi’s Villages: Past and Present (Sat, June 7th, 2025)
Coming up - a guided bus tour with visits to local sights in Kirkkonummi. More information is coming up in spring 2025. Please note that this tour will be conducted in Finnish.Guided hiking tour on Dorngarn Plateau (3h)
Let's go hiking to the beautiful nature of Kirkkonummi to experience the spirit of the wilderness and the beauty of the Dorngarn Plateau.€303.80
Guided Hiking Tour to Porkkala Peninsula (2h)
Explore the rich natural beauty, experience the local lifestyle near the capital of Finland, and discover the rich cultural heritage of the Porkkala region.€295.00